迎えて2日。 だいぶ、アポトーシスが進みました!

アマゾンツノガエル 。 もうすぐカエルになります #59116;

It has passed two days from buying. Soon tail will disappear.

Amazonian horned frog .  Soon it will be a frog.

                          Ceratophrys cornuta           


この期間、餌は食べましぇん。 (=゚ω゚)ノ

Tadpole tail will disappear little by little. This phenomenon is called apoptosis.

Period of apoptosis, they don't eat the food.

昨日の夕食は、ナスのミートドリアをつくった #59116;  Doria

Yesterday's dinner.  I made a rice casserole with meat sauce of eggplant.

キュウリのふちが可愛い件 #59116;

Round slices of cucumber of form is very cute!

ヒョウモントカゲモドキ  Eublepharis macularius

かわいくね?! (*´ω`)

Very cute pose !!! #59117;

ヤグルマソウ  Rodgersia podophylla


I like this lovely flower ・・・

メキシコサラマンダー の たこ菜 #59116;  Ambystoma mexicanum


Her name is Tacona .

It has been moved to the big case in order to grow her to a large size.

今日のツノガエル 。  ~ クランウェルツノガエル ~

2012 CB ア~モンド #59116;  Ceratophrys cranwelli

練り餌が嫌いな、ア~モンド。 すごく痩せてたけど、魚を与え続けて

Her name is Almond . She doesn't like PacmanFood .

She was too skinny, but now healthy body shape by continuing to eat the fish.


今朝は、スッキリ! ヽ(*´∀`*)ノ

Yesterday, I slept early because the physical condition was bad.

This morning, I am very well !!! #58942;


今日もありがとう #59119;
I have pated in blog ranking.
Please push the upper banners.
Yuppie is very glad !!!  Thank you ♪