仕入れたけど、かわゆすぎて売れないの~。(売らないの~ぉ。) #59116;

This lovely frogs were purchased in order to sell.

But now, Why is there in my room?

タンポポの甘いにおいを嗅ぐのが好さきっ! (*´艸`)♪

アリは何度も花に潜って・・・ タンポポの蜜が目当てらしい~。

I like to smell the sweet smell of dandelion!

Been invited to the flower nectar of dandelion,
ant had dived many times in the flower.

くさがめ の クロ #59116;   Mauremys reevesii

クロ には後ろ足がありません。  前足の爪もありません。


His name is " Kuro "

He does not have hind legs.
And, he does not have the nails of forefoot.

However, he experienced a winter sleep of three times,
he woke up cheerfully also this spring.


This fresh grass ...!
I deliciously looks like a salad!

Bonne nuit #59038;


いつもありがとう #59116;  ランキングの応援、ぽち!っとおねがい~ ( ゚ ∀ ゚ )ノシ
I have pated in blog ranking.
Please push the upper banners.
Yuppie is very glad !!! Thank you ♪