占領してゆくのであった。。 “o(* ̄o ̄)o”ウキウキ♪

現在、卵が12個 #59116;  ダメ卵もありそうだけど順調そうなのも~。



早くジェリー状の中で動き始めないかなぁ~~ (>∀<●)ノ

These are the eggs of Japanese Fire-bellied Newt.

Currently, I was able to collect 12 eggs.

Will they hatch safely...?!

There are egg form has been changed.

Next time, I'll take a picture of the eggs that have changed shape.

I am looking forward to them begins to move !! #59116;


今日もありがとう #59116;
I have pated in blog ranking.
Please push the upper banners.
Yuppie is very glad !!!  Thank you ♪