パステルツノガエル (クランウェルツノガエル)の ラム #59116;

ラム もやっとコンスタントにパックマンフードを食べ始めました!


Pastel Horned Frog ( Cranwell's Horned Frog ) : Ceratophrys cranwelli

His name is " Ramu "

Ramu has recently started eating PacmanFood constantly.

Probably because the warm spring has come.
Air temperature has been stable.

桜の木に、サルノコシカケ がいっぱい! (# ゚Д゚)(# ゚Д゚)(# ゚Д゚)


It grows in Cherry tree, Polyporaceae.

Such a high position!

買い物がてら散歩して、春の花を撮りまくり~ #59128;


Shopping and the middle of the walk, I took a lot of pictures of spring flowers.

A lot of the house makes a nice gardening.  It is my pleasure!

フトアゴヒゲトカゲ の 日向(ひなた) #59116;   Pogona vitticeps



Her name is " Hinata "

Hinata was the feces in the cageSo, I took a shower.

She doesn't hate the showerFeeling good ...? !

~ 昔の動画 ~   レモミちゃん。

動画URL : https://youtu.be/7byHl8VgXlk

以前に飼っていた、ライムグリーンアルビノツノガエルのベビー レモミちゃん #59116;


The name of this baby is " Lemomi "
This is a Pacman
that I was brought up in the past.

This is a
short movie of cute baby  ・・・ Dear memories

英語、添えてるとやっぱ時間かかるなぁ~~~ (;・∀・) haha~ #59142;

おやすみ~ #59039;

ランキングに参加しています♪ バナーをぽち!っとお願いしま~す #59128;


今日もありがとう #59116;
I have pated in blog ranking.
Please push the upper banners.
Yuppie is very glad !!! Thank you ♪